About Us

Camino de Cristo ( CC ) is a weekend for teens. This youth ministry helps our young people grow into Christian Leaders and address the problems their communities are faced with. Camino de Cristo is Spanish for “Walk of Christ”, which reflects their new life in Christ. It encourages teenagers to live committed to Jesus Christ, using the tools provided to become servant leaders in their circle of influence. Such as home, school, work and Church. The weekend contains a series of talks given by a volunteer team of youth, clergy and adults. Young men and women ages 15 to 20 are prayerfully encouraged to attend. After the weekend there are follow-up activities, but is not a church substitute.

History of Camino de Cristo

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Mission Statement

Our goal at CTxCC is to educate and develop young men and women in becoming Christian servant leaders. Allowing them to influence others in their communities to learn about and follow in the ways of Jesus Christ.